Welcome Pack

Beeding & Bramber Pre-School

Welcome information 2025


Welcome to Beeding & Bramber Pre-School Playgroup!

This pack has been put together to make starting Pre-School

as easy as possible for you and your child. We have tried to include all the information we think you will need, but please do not hesitate to ask if there is anything missing or if you have any other questions.

Who’s Who.

 Pre-School Staff Team

 There are currently six members of staff:
Chantael Brookshaw is the Supervisor,
Ali Gardner is Deputy Supervisor,
and the Pre-School Practitioners are –
Alice Bates, Jess Bean, Julie Doo and Sammy McGuire. All staff are early years qualified or working towards their qualification, and first aid trained.

Emergency staff members are Charlotte McGuire, Mia Pullen and Sam Benn.


Beeding and Bramber Pre-School places a high value on the well-being of all children and understand that children learn best when they are healthy, safe and secure, when their individual needs are met and when they have positive relationships with the adults caring for them. The welfare requirements working together to safeguard children guidance supports us in creating a setting which is welcoming, safe and stimulating, and where children are able to enjoy learning through play, to grow in confidence and to fulfil their potential.

We have a duty of care to ensure the children are safe from harm. All the preschool staff are trained in identifying signs and symptoms of mistreatment towards children and will report it according to our child protection policy and procedure.

 Parent partnership

The partnership with parents and carers is vital to your child’s learning. Parents are given helpful information about our educational provision in our newsletters, website, on our Facebook page and on a notice board. Named photographs of staff and committee are displayed on the notice board as well as information about the current events.

The welcome pack contains information about how you can be involved with pre-school activities and how they can help their children settle in. Parents are very well informed about their children’s progress. For instance, you have access to you children’s learning journal and can talk to staff easily at the beginnings and ends of sessions. The pre-school encourages parents to join in with activities in a number of ways. For example, you can attend committee meetings, help at sessions, accompany your children on outings, and support events like the Christmas party and various fund-raising events. Parental involvement gives parents ‘good opportunities to get to know the pre-school staff and other children’.

Parents and carers contribute to assessments through discussion with staff, adding information or uploading comments and pictures to the child’s learning journal. The partnership between parents, the committee and staff make an effective contribution to the children’s achievement of the desirable learning outcomes.

Where a child attends more than one setting, we provide a contact pack which is passed on to each carer for them to contribute to with any relevant information, observations or pictures to add to the child’s learning journal. This is vital to support the child’s learning and identifying needs and next steps.

Preparing your child for pre-school   

Come and have fun free play and meet all the lovely staff and children and familiarise your child with the setting. Our visiting times are between 9.30 and 10.30am Monday to Friday, please make an appointment for your visit.

Ensure your child wears old, comfortable clothes to enable them to explore and experiment with all the different creative materials. Please provide a change of clothes in case their clothes get soiled.

Ensure all your child’s clothes and shoes are clearly marked with their name to help us help your children recognise their own belongings.

We go outside in all weathers, so we ask you to provide wellies, waterproof coats, waterproof trousers, hats and gloves.

In the summer term we ask that your child is covered in ALL DAY sun cream and has a wide brim hat.

Please bring a photo of your child’s family or special people for our special board.

Can my child bring in toys?

We have a huge selection of toys and games for the children; however, we do understand that children have comfort toys and are welcome to bring them in. These can be placed in their drawer for safekeeping.

When can I see my child’s keyworker?

You will have opportunities to meet with your child’s keyworker most days but will understand that they may be busy settling in children; you can email at any time or leave comments on the Tapestry (online learning journal). We will reply as soon as we can.

We have termly parents meetings where you can speak to your key-worker and discuss your child’s progress, interests and contribute to next steps.

Where messages about my child should be left?

Messages about children are left in the diary with the member of staff on registration at the front door or can be emailed. If you child is absent, we ask that you call or email us before 9:30am. We must record attendance.

What are the arrangements at the beginning and end of a session?

Morning begins at 9.00am, a member of staff will be at the door to welcome and register children in.

Children find their peg and hang up their coats. Find their name on the register board and put it in the name tray. Children are free to select an activity of their choice and be welcomed by their keyperson. You can then spend time reading the parents notice board and the policy of the week. Parents are welcome to stay until child is settled.

Does my child have to be toilet trained?

No, we encourage potty and toilet training when your child is ready, and we follow whatever routine you are doing at home to help with continuity of care. We have a selection of potties, steps to reach the toilet and special seats for little bottoms. We also have nappy changing facilities and provide spare clothing in case of little accidents but it’s easier if you bring spare clothes with you. We ask that you provide a bag with nappies and wipes in.

What should I do if I’m late collecting my child? 

If for any reason you are unable to collect your child as usual, please inform us of your alternative arrangements and make sure the person collecting your child knows your password as we will not release children to people we don’t know. The person must be over 16 years old.

Can I bring medicine into pre-school?

Yes, you can but we can only administer them if they have been prescribed by your child’s doctor, they are clearly labelled and you sign a medication consent book.

What if my child is hurt or ill during the day?

If they hurt themselves during the day we will administer first aid (every member of staff is first aid trained) it will be recorded in the accident book for you to sign at the end of the session. If it is an injury that requires further action, then you will be contacted immediately.

If a child feels unwell in the day, we will contact you to come and take them home. If your child has sickness or diarrhoea, we ask that they do not attend pre-school for at least 48 hours after the last attack.  If your child has any contagious infection i.e. chicken pox, scarlet fever, respiratory infections or a high temperature we ask that you keep the child at home and inform us so we can let parents know as necessary.

Who can I ask for help?

If you have any worries or enquiries of any sort, please feel free to approach any member of staff who will gladly help you.

What information does the Pre-school need?

The pre-school holds confidential information relating to your child and we would ask that you keep us informed of any changes so we can update the records promptly.

All forms will be issued upon entry to pre-school and need to be filled in and returned to the pre-school before your child begins. Your online learning journal (tapestry) has an (about me) section that needs to be completed to help your child’s keyperson settle them in.

How can I help the pre-school? 

We always welcome parent participation so if you are free to offer us some help, we would greatly appreciate it.

We are a committee run charity pre-school and are always looking for new members. The committee are a small, friendly group who have a close relationship with the staff to help it run smoothly and efficiently. If you would like to join or can offer any help, please speak to a member of staff.

Most importantly, we see your child’s care as a partnership between you and the pre-school. By working together, we can maximise your child’s learning opportunities and enable them to reach their full potential.

How will I know about events?

We send out regular newsletters via email which are also displayed on the parent’s notice board, on our closed group Facebook page (this is for current parents and carers of the preschool, please ask to be added) and on the website.

What are snack arrangements? 

We have a rolling snack from 10.00 where children come at will and choose from a variety of fruit, snacks and a drink of milk or water. Children have access to our water machine so they can help themselves whenever they require a drink. Snack time is assisted by a member of staff to ensure everyone gets a drink and it’s a good opportunity for a chat. We ensure all special dietary requirements are met.

What should my child bring for lunch?

We encourage healthy eating at pre-school and ask that your child does not bring sweets, fizzy drinks, high salt and sugar foods in their lunch box; instead give them a balanced lunch including fruit, wholemeal bread/pitta or pasta, yoghurts, cheese or fromage frais.

We ask that you put a freezer pack in your child’s lunch box to keep it fresh until lunch time, these will be stored in a cool place.


It is vital that you as a parent or carer are aware of and agree to the preschool policies and procedures.

All the preschool policies are available for you to read each day on the main table in the hallway, each week we review a policy and there is an opportunity for you to comment on them.

Here are a few important ones to advise you before you child starts:

 Arrival and Departure Policy

The Beeding and Bramber Pre-School is committed to making each child and parent feel welcome and to ensure the safe arrival and departure of the children.

The Pre-School doors will be opened at 9 am for the morning session, 12.00 and 1.00pm for the lunchtime collection/ arrival and at 3.30pm for collection at the end of the afternoon. Outside these times the door will be kept locked and staff on duty can be contacted by ringing the doorbell. There is a sheltered area outside for wet days.

All children are welcomed by a member of staff on door duty and entered on the daily register.

Children are encouraged to find their own peg and hang up their coats and bags.

Children are then encouraged to find their own name card from the Velcro board, take it into the main hall and put it in the name box.

There is a key person board on display.

A tray is available where children are encouraged to leave their lunchboxes. These are transferred to a cool cupboard once the session has started.

Parents/carers are encouraged to say their goodbyes at the drop off zone but are welcome to stay for as long as is necessary for their child to settle. Those wishing to stay for more than 15 minutes will be required to sign in.

When parents leave, we suggest you take time to read the parent’s notice board and policy of the week.

Parents/carers leaving after the doors are closed must inform a member of staff so the door can be locked again after they have left. You must not let yourself out.

Late Collection of Children.

Persistent lateness in collecting a child from the Pre-School amounts to abandonment and could be reported to the Child Protection Unit. The Beeding and Bramber Pre-School aims to always protect the children in their care. We aim to do this by introducing certain safety measures. These include:

  • The introduction of a password given for emergency use only. Each child will have a password which will identify them when being collected by an adult unknown to the Pre-School in the event of an emergency
  • The introduction of a password given by the parent daily when being collected by someone other than the child’s parent or guardian or by someone known to the playgroup such as the child’s nanny or a childminder
  • If a parent is aware they will be late collecting their child, they must contact the Supervisor as soon as is possible and make agreed arrangements for the safe collection of the child
  • If a parent is late or the child is not collected after a period of 15 minutes has elapsed at the end of the normal session time, the Supervisor will make every effort to contact the parent.
  • If the parent cannot be contacted, then the emergency person will be contacted
  • If no adult can be contacted after a further 15 minutes i.e. 30 minutes after the session has ended, and if abandonment is feared, then the supervisor will inform the Local Authority Duty Social Worker
  • If a parent is persistently late collecting their child, the Supervisor will speak to the parent concerned and advise them of the adverse effect this is having on their child and the importance of not letting this continue
  • If the parent continues to be late collecting their child this will be recorded and a written letter given advising that, if it continues then the Child Protection Unit will be notified and the hourly rate fine will be made
  • If the child is still late being collected this is then abandonment and the Child Protection Unit will be notified
  • At each incident of late collection an Incident Form will be completed and kept on file

Medication and Accident procedures policy

The Beeding and Bramber Pre-School views the health, safety and well-being of children as being of paramount importance.

Parents are defined by the Education Act 2010 – 2012, as the child’s main carers and are responsible for providing sufficient information about their child’s health care needs and treatment.

Parents and the staff within the Pre-School need to know what procedures will be followed regarding administering prescription medication, together with the procedures to be followed in the very rare occurrence of an accident.

The Beeding and Bramber Pre-School aims to:

  • Work in close co-operation with each person involved in the child’s medical needs
  • Work in close co-operation with parents
  • Provide a suitable supportive environment for children with health care needs to enable them to participate in school activities
  • Respect parent’s cultural and religious views
  • Obtain consent from the child’s parents before disclosing any information to other members of staff
  • Ensure medication has been prescribed by the child’s own General Practitioner
  • Ensure all medication will be kept in a secure place with access only by authorised personnel
  • Ensure all medication is clearly labelled with the child’s name
  • A medication consent book signed by parents with details about medication and condition.
  • Ensure parents tell their key person when the child last their medication and the next time had the medication is required to ensure the child does not receive a double dose.
  • Information will be given from the child’s GP stating-what condition the drug is for and its name, how and when it should be administered
  • Ensure staff receive appropriate training from a medically qualified person
  • Administering medication is a voluntary activity, but all staff are first aid trained.
  • All staff are trained to administer epi pens
  • Ensure all staff know how to call the emergency services
  • Ensure no child will be taken to hospital in a member of staff’s car-due to motor insurance cover.


A drug’s register will be kept showing:

  • The child’s name
  • Date and time of administration
  • Type of drug or medicine administered
  • Dosage
  • Name and signature of person administering the drug
  • Name and signature of witness
  • Time of notification to parent where emergency administration of a drug given to a child
  • Where a child is taking a limited course of medication e.g. antibiotics, it would be expected that this will be administered by the parent at home. However, if a child is ill and is prescribed antibiotics, the full course should be completed before the child returns to the group.
  • Where staff do agree to administer prescribed medication to a child, the group needs to be clear who will be responsible, so that both the parent/carer and the child know and that a medication book has been signed by the parent/carer stating the dose/application and time
  • Occasionally a child is on regular medication or as needed e.g asthmatic. The parent/carer will need to sign the medication book stating the dosage, time and frequency.
  • Staff must ensure that a parent/carer has signed the medication book, giving permission for administering any medication.

Who can administer drugs or medication?

A qualified first aider witnessed by another trained first aider or person in charge

If a child suffers an adverse reaction (to nuts, dairy or insect bite) a member of staff could only be deemed to be personally liable if s/he were proved to be negligent. It is therefore important to administer the medication as per training and to follow the procedures that have been laid down.

A medication book will be available to log the name of the child receiving medication, times that the medication should be administered, date and time when medication is administered, together with the signature of the person who has administered each dose.

The Pre-School will ensure that the first aid equipment is kept clean, replenished and replaced as necessary. Sterile items will be kept sealed in their packages until needed.

All staff are first aid trained.

 In case of accident

  • Whilst not wishing to alarm parents, it is possible for a child to have an accident which needs urgent professional attention by a doctor, dentist or at a hospital. If necessary, an ambulance will be called and a member of staff will accompany the child, to hopefully be met by the parent or carer.
  • If such an occasion arises, the staff will make every endeavour to contact the parent(s) or a named relative, friend, for that person to take responsibility for any subsequent treatment.
  • In the unlikely event that no one can be contacted, the Supervisor/manager should take responsibility and ensure that the child receives prompt attention in the care of a member of staff.
  • An accident book will be kept of all accidents and incidents no matter how minor.

Social Development Policy and Procedure

Beeding and Bramber Pre-School Playgroup aims to provide a stimulating range of experiences and activities for children to make sense of their world through play. By providing a happy, well-managed environment for the children, the children will be encouraged to develop social skills to help them become accepted and welcome in society as they grow up. We recognise that busy children are less likely to behave in an unacceptable or antisocial way. We recognise the need to set reasonable and appropriate limits which all adults will maintain in the management of the children’s behaviour.

We do not administer physical punishment nor punishment which causes pain or humiliation to a child. We recognise the importance of the adult’s behaviour as a role model for the children and will not allow bullying in the form of physical or verbal abuse towards anyone.

We endorse positive discipline as an effective way to set limits and manage behaviour in our Pre-School.

  • Good behaviour is rewarded because rewards are constructive and encourage further effort. Punishment is destructive and humiliates children making them feel powerless.
  • Self-discipline is encouraged as well as respect for others because children need to grow into people who behave well, even when there is no one to tell them what to do.
  • Realistic limits according to children’s age and stage of development are set because as children grow our expectations of them change.
  • A good example is set to the children as they take more notice of how we are and what we do than what we say.
  • Children are praised, given attention and appreciated for what they do because when children are used to getting attention for good behaviour, they will not need to seek it by misbehaving.
  • Building children’s self-esteem through praise and attention will make a child feel valued and cared for, whereas shaming, scolding or humiliating a child can lead to even worse behaviour.
  • Members of Staff regularly attend relevant training to ensure they keep up to date with best practice in behaviour management.
  • The behaviour manager is Chantael (Supervisor)
